Manual & Motorized Flex Commercial Window Shades

Flex Shade Gym

Window shades with simplicity and reliability. The clutch never needs adjustment and can be mounted either on the right or left, as preferred. Our Universal bracket allows for mounting to wall, ceiling or jamb and it is interchangeable with 8# or 16# clutches. Crank-operated Flex Window Shades offer complete reliability and precise light control, with minimal effort. All shades can be raised or lowered to exactly the same height.  Available with PVC-Free Window Shade Fabrics.

Contact Us Today

(207) 621-9832

Office Address:
24 Meadow Hill Drive
Farmingdale, ME 04344

(800) 690-1998

Window Coverings

Shop-At-Home Window Covering Service

Serving the Waterville & Greater Augusta, Maine area as well as Central, Mid-Coast and Portland Maine.

Call Us for a Free On-Site Consultation


Also be sure to visit our new site for Printed Graphic Shades


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